General Announcements
Valley Forge Family History Center in the stake center (Broomall building) will be reopening. The center will be open on Wednesdays from 9:30 am to 3:30pm during the month of June. At the end of June, the Center will close for the summer and will reopen after Labor Day. The Center is set up for social distancing, and masks are required in the building. There are four computers that can each be reserved for a maximum of two hours. You can sign up via this link:
Español - Anuncios Generales
Relief Society Announcements
Elders Quorum Announcements
For information on clubs, interest groups or one-off activities, please click on the link here.
Elders Quorum hike/scavenger hunt activity will be on Saturday Oct. 9th, 4:30 pm in Cheslen Preserve. We will be meeting in the parking lot near "Ollie Owls Nature Playground" (1199 Cannery Road, Coatesville, PA). We will divide into teams and give each group an hour and a half to find specific landmarks within the preserve, and will be awarding points for landmarks found to determine the winning team. Afterwards, we will all then head to the church parking lot just as it's getting dark for an outdoor hang out with Pizza, Soda, and a portable fire pit for Smores. For those who don't want to hike but just want to hang out and eat, meet us at the church at about 6:30 pm. Please RSVP to Spencer Mangum (, in order to allow for planning in advance to create teams and organize the hunt. If you want to come for the food, let us know by the end of day, Friday, Oct. 8th, so we can get enough pizza.
Youth Announcements
Mission Prep class for all stake Young Men and Young Women turning 16 this year and up to be held quarterly
Please follow this link to view Stake youth announcements:
Youth Activities Update
* May 12/13 (tentative) - Aaronic Priesthood commemoration campout - families are invited to join us for a campout. The ward will provide breakfast in the morning. More details on campsite and timing will be forthcoming.
* June 15 - 17 - YM High Adventure. This will be for all young men.
* June 21 - 23 - YW Girls Camp
* July 3 - 8 - FSY Conference (14-18 year olds)
Sunday School Announcements
Philadelphia Temple Distribution Center
The distribution center is open according to these hours of operation. It is available by appointment only during those hours.